Feasibility Study – content frame :
Feasibility Study
A. Songs written – feasibility study :
– General information – the name of the investment objective , location ( county , licalitatea street, number ) , the holder of the investment, the investment recipient , developer study.
– General information on the project :
A. Current situation with information about the entity responsible for project implementation;
B. Description of investment: pre-feasibility study or the conclusions of detailed long-term technical and economic scenarios ( if not prepared pre-feasibility study ) proposed scenarios , the recommended scenario and benefits , describing constructive , functional , technological ,
c Specifications investment : area , location , legal status field situation permanent employment land, field studies ( topographical , geotechnical and other studies if applicable) , main caractersitici construction investment objective ( ACTV domain variants constructive achievement ) the existing situation of utilities and consumer analysis , the findings of the EIA result ;
D. Duration of accomplishment, milestones , achieving the investment chart .
– Estimated costs of the investment :
The total value with the general estimate breakdown structure ;
b rescheduling costs in conjunction with the realization of the investment chart .
– Cost-benefit analysis :
Identify and define investment objectives ( reference period ) ;
b options analysis ;
C. Financial analysis with the calculation of indicators of financial performance : cumulative flow , net present value , internal rate of return and cost benefit ;
d economic analysis to calculate economic performance indicators : net present value , internal rate of return , cost -benefit
‘s sensitivity analysis ;
F. risk .
– Sources of financing of investment – is governed by the laws in force : own funds , bank loans, funds from the budget of state / local budget, foreign loans guaranteed or contracted state funds exernal grants or other legal sources .
– Estimates of the labor force employed in investments;
– Main economic indicators of investment – number of jobs created in the execution phase and operation phase .
– Permits and agreements in principle :
a beneficiary’s opinion on the need and desirability of the investment;
b Certificate of urbanism ;
c Opinions principle on utility services ;
d Environmental Agreement ;
E. Other specific approvals and agreements in principle .
B. Drawings – feasibility study :
– Location in the Plan ;
– General Plan ;
– Plans sections and overall architecture, structure , systems ;
– Special Plans , sections, longitudinal and transverse .