Construction estimates, limited resources , efficiency , optimization
Construction activity is a process that was born from the need to ensure ongoing social needs of life and activity . The objectives of this sector require for their accomplishment , spending substantial and significant economic effort . In the process of building , get resources (material , human, mechanical , financial ) that have as main characteristic , that are limited, constrained by various factors , resulting in urgent need of efficiency and optimization.
Construction estimates , materials, technology solutions complex character , unique
Investments in construction are characterized by complexity, by putting in the work of a wide range of materials, using a large number of trades , and the types of equipment and different capacities . Also apparent complexity and the uniqueness of construction products , each with specific organizational and technological solutions , which increases the difficulty in solving the problems of execution but also those on expenditure .
Construction estimatesn and installation , cost , resources, price, offer
One of the stages of drafting a construction is cost calculation , which establishes the cost associated with each resource , the necessary material resources, the people , the equipment needed to execute the project, leading to cumulative price or value of the offer.
Estimate demand , fundamental tool in choosing the decision to invest
Cost – Characterization important element indicator and economic activity has a crucial role in ensuring the efficiency and competitiveness of organizations . Cost – very important in making the decision on acceptance or rejection of a project.
Construction estimates , cost estimation , feasibility study , cost control
The main goal is to estimate the cost of providing reference size control – cost, you can check what resources consumed during the execution of acceptable limits coincide with the estimated cost of the feasibility study . Any exceeding of these limits may jeopardize profitability proiecutului and lead project for disaster .
WBS , F1, F2, F3 form , documentation of estimate
” Work breakdown structure ” ( WBS ) is the primary method for determining the costs and breakdown of the project consists in part of increasingly detailed thereby reaching a more rigorous control on prices.
The first level is generally considered investment objective , and mail it with the F1, the next level of detail in objects is splitting forms F2 lens , leading to the third stage , the physical stages equivalent work categories – forms F3 .
Estimate documentation is instrumental in estimated cost of construction is required
both stage and execution of works for the settlement works .