Estimate Building – typology
Depending on the stages of the mode of preparation , structure, specify the following types of construction estimate :
– General estimate – made in the feasibility study stage , by design , the content is structured in chapters 1 to 6 . In general estimate is performed first estimate of the cost of an investment , it is the basis for future project estimates .
– ESTIMATE THE OBJECT ( object centralizing investment expenses ) – made each investment object , object detail in chapters turn work . Estimate the object is tools that summarizes the values for each category of work . Every investment is divided into objects, parts of objects by designer work. At the end of the object estimate adauaga taxape added value.
– Foreign OFFER – hand written documentation auction – bidding , the sign lists the quantities of the construction related works . Unit price for each quantity of work to be completed by each bidder in part by enterprises to internal costs of each . Among the factors contributing to a price offer another distinction include: technology implementation, the indirect costs , profit value . The structure of a bid estimate is passed : Article estimate , description of work , quantity item , the item unit price , total value .
– ANALYTICAL ESTIMATE – is the main cost estimate , within a category of work . Analytical estimate can be of 2 types , depending on the mode of preparation :
– Estimate analytical category of work ;
– Analytical estimate on Physical Status .
Each analytical estimate is a technologically ordered array of items indicating the cost estimate for each of the four resources : material , labor , equipment , transportation . The sum of all resources is the norm value estimate, which multiplied by the quantity leads to item value estimate .
– SITUATION OF PAYMENT – made in the execution phase of the works , at predetermined intervals of time after the measurements of the works actually executed. Component of payment situation is the same as the estimate analytically.
– FINANCIAL ESTIMATE – include other expenditures made by the executive with the recipient , expenses that are not made directly to the investment objective, but are necessary for the activity .
– Extremely RESOURCE – are estimates accompanying analytical estimates , they aimed explicit materials, equipment , labor , transport for each analytical estimate in hand . Resource statement is broken down by resource type , specific consumption in the standard , unit price , total value .