Glossary of technical terms :

dictionar termeni tehnici

Glossary of technical terms :

Project = effort held in a temporary period of time to create a product, service with unique character.

Study of technical and economic feasibility = documentation which substantiates the need and investment opportunity based on technical and economic data .

Feasibility Study = technical-economic documentation setting out the main economic indicators for the investment objective based on need and opportunity to achieve it and that includes functional solutions , technological, and economic construction to be submitted for approval .

The Technical = documentation is written and drawn on who will perform construction work on achieving investment – construction product .

= Specification is mandatory documentation which includes specifications.

= Technical specifications requirements, prescriptions , features that help describe each project , service or product. Features describing technical specifications about :

· The quality and performance ;

· Environmental impact ;

· Size terminology ;

· Operating safety ;

· Quality assurance methods ;

· Packaging, labeling ;

· Conditions for product certification , design rules and calculation;

· Execution methods and procedures ;

· Evaluation , inspection and acceptance of works ;

· Overtone of Exective and installation ;

· Health and safety measures at work;

· Measures to ensure quality of works ;

· Measures for preventing and extinguishing fires;

· Measures for demolition.

Auction = is a contest or investor contracting authority invites bidders to display their offerings built on the auction documentation and methodology in order to award the works to achieve investment in favor of the most competitive bidder. Types of auction after the way he carries :

· Open auction – anyone of the bidders have the right to display their offer , tender will be conducted in a single

stage ;

· Restricted procedure – Stage selection of candidates , followed by step evaluation of tenders submitted ;

· Competitive dialogue – three stages: selection of candidates , the dialogue with the candidates admitted , evaluation of tenders ;

· Negotiation with prior publication of a contract notice ;

· Negotiation without publication of a contract notice ;

· Call for tenders – the contracting authority request offers from several providers , exceutanti or service , following

to choose the most favorable to him . Demand and apply when the estimated value excluding VAT procurement contract

public is less than the equivalent in lei follows: – Services – 75 000 euro , contract services – 75 000 euro contract

Works – 500 000 euro .

· Design contest – used for urban design , landscape architecture .

Bidding = firm commitment tenderer that in accordance with the bidding documents , will carry out the project .

Offer = legal act by which the economic operator expresses its willingness to engage in legally in a public procurement contract .

Contract = legal act concluded with agreement of the investor and will bidder who was awarded investment.

= Public contract is a contract in writing between one or more contracting authorities on the one hand, and one or more economic operators , on the other hand , having as main contractor, frunizarea products or services .

Procurement = getting permanently or temporarily by a legal entity, called contracting authority, the products , works, services by awarding a public procurement contract financed from the state budget, local budgets , external loans contracted or guaranteed by the State , external grants or other sources.

Execution = is the progressive realization of the construction phase , being found in a number of factors mainly economic and productive .

Acceptance of construction = is the act by which the investor certifies performance of construction works in accordance with the contract specifications and documents and declare that they accept to take the work carried out and that can be given in esploatare .

Technical Paper of the building = represents all technical documents that relate to the design, manufacture , inspection , operation and monitoring behavior of constructions , containing all data, documents and records necessary to identify and establish the technical condition of the building in question and its evolution in time.

Article estimate = framing item of work is in standard indicator estimate, corresponding to the category of work , work chapter , article of paper, the paper version as well as unit prices on items related quotation .

Norma estimate = specification feasibility report , which reveals the average specific consumption of resources related to achieving a unit of Article estimate , corresponding to the respective work .

Invesitie = a project whose realization is allocated a sum of money .

Technical-economic documentation = a set of songs written by both technical and economic nature , for evaluating the investment in the project phase , and chase them in the realization phase of execution.

General economic Estimate = is the document by which the total price of the works is estimated to achieve the investment, are developed in the project phase , specifically in the feasibility study stage .

Price per item estimate = norm is established based on execution cost estimate and represents a measurement from an article estimate .

Specific consumption = amount of resource material / labor / equipment needed to make a measurement of Article estimate .

Antemasuratoarea = is the document that assesses the quantity of work necessary to achieve each item of work will be executed in each category of works of object construction .

Indicators of rules written estimate = parts related to each stage of performing physical construction works structured in chapters , in which rules are summarized estimate.

Physical Status = is part of an object that is placed in construction work of a single type of performer .

Investment Objective = system construction objects assembled by the role and the functions they performed together in order to fulfill the objective of functionality .

Item of work = Construction work is simple, elementary level , which is done by staff of the same trades on a specific workstation , technology and means of suitable work .

Excerpts resource = are the lists that contain quantities and tiplologii resources , means that are used to execute construction works .

Item Unit estimate = is the amount of paper that is used to create a unit of Article estimate .

Machinery and technological equipment are machinery and equipment = contributing to the technological processes and at the same time to the goal of building an object , objects construction.

Machinery and equipment are functional = Characteristics of facilities and equipment and help fulfill the role that object construction .

Lists of equipment and technology = is performed for each data object construction technical tools and equipment and will be accompanied by their data sheets .

Attachments = are measurements made ​​at work that explicitly reveals the amount of works ever made .

Situations payment = estimates calculated on the basis of attachments or measurements , with unit prices on offer.

Technological losses = losses that occur are the manufacture and placing of materials.

= Non-technological losses occur through handling , transport , storage .

Local rules = specific consumption of resources related to construction activities within the company.

Object construction = part of the investment objective that has the ability to operate separately in the system.

Category of work = is corresponding to a physical stage of construction.

Technical Agreement = document that establishes the use of the product, the manufacturing , transportation, storage, laying and maintenance thereof .


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