Stage construction achievement

etape realizare constructie

Stage construction achievement

Steps achievement in terms of investment construction :
– Idea ;
– Design phase :
<span title=”- Studiu de prefezabilitate

“>- Pre-feasibility study

Pre-feasibility study is the first step in making investments . Through this investment opportunity is demonstrated , the data included here prove whether the project is viable and sustain or continue the proceedings.
<span title=”b. Studiu de fezabilitate

“>B. Feasibility Study

Representing documents that establish major economic indicators specific investment objective . At this stage, the project will build what would later be sent for approval and endorsement . Approval to lead to the next stage :
<span title=”c. Proiect tehnic si detalii de executie

“>c Technical design and execution details

Technical project documentation is written and drawn on the basis of which the work will be executed . Technical project must be complete and clear enough to allow development on the basis of the details of execution , according to the proposed technology , with respect to the project, without requiring additional subsequent work therefore without exceeding the cost of the work, <span title=”stabilit in etapa de oferta.

“>set the stage for the offer.

<span title=”- Faza de licitatie – ofertare

“>- Phase auction – bidding

<span title=”In etapa de licitatie, investitorul, pe baza metodologiei si documentelor licitatiei invita ofertantii sa isi prezinte ofertele, in scopul adjudecarii in favoarea celui mai competitiv ofertant.

“>In stage auction , the investor , based on the methodology and tender documents inviting bidders to submit their bids in order of adjudication in favor of the most competitive bidder.

<span title=”Ofertantii vor depune ofertele, acestea se vor evalua si compara pe baza procedeelor mentionate in documentatia de licitatie urmand a fi aleasa cea castigatoare.

“>Bidders shall submit offers , they will evaluate and compare on the basis of procedures specified in the bidding documents and will be chosen the winner.

<span title=”Semnarea contractului de achizitie publica.

“>Public procurement contract signing .

<span title=”- Faza de executie:

“>- Execution Phase :

Execution is carried out in accordance with the technical design and specifications , the regulations on quality, safety and health at work , civil defense and fire . <span title=”Etapa de executie cuprinde si decontarea executiei lucrarilor, receptia lucrarilor.

“>Execution and settlement phase includes the works , reception work .

<span title=”- Faza de utilizare si postutilizare:

“>- Use and post-use phase :

<span title=”Utilizarea constructie este necesar sa se realizeze printr-o exploatare normala, prin mentinerea in timp a calitatii, prin intretinerea, repararea conform documentatiei elaborate de proiectant.

“>Use construction is necessary to carry through a normal operation by maintaining quality while through maintenance, repair according to documentation prepared by the designer .

Post-use processes consist of demolition , dismantling , reuse what you can recover , recycle, in terms of protecting the environment .


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