Reference standards :

– STAS 2830-74 – Adhesive

– STAS 2830-75 – Thinner

– STAS 7058-80 – polyurethane vinyl aqueous dispersion ( glue )

– STAS 1667-76 – sand ( 0-7 mm)

– STAS 1500-78 – Cement M 30 or IP 35

– STAS 790-73 – Water for mortar

– STAS 38844-76 – clean sand

Delivery, storage , handling

Transport and carpet tiles , PVC antistatic will be the usual means of transport covered and closed . Storage shall be in a dry , covered , at temperatures between +5 ° C and +40 ° C , away from direct sunlight action .

Transport drums with glue and thinner, will be in compliance with the provisions in force concerning the transport of flammable materials .

Cans should be stored in specially designed flammable products .

The temperature in these rooms will be between +15 o C and +20 o C.


Execution floors and carpet tiles , PVC antistatic, includes two main categories of work :

– Execution of the substrate ;

– Execution of the garment floor .


The substrate is constructed from underblinding applied directly onto the surface and made ​​of cement screed M 100 T. Surface must be flat and smooth without roughness , bumps or depressions .

If the substrate surface shows frequent entire surface irregularities will be corrected by plastering thin (max. 1.5 cm thick).

Putty is executed with a mortar glue with the following composition :

– Quartz sand ;

– Polyvinyl acetate aqueous dispersion ( glue ) ; 1 part glue and 1/2 part water by volume.

floor covering

Will be installed in rooms where carpet tiles and PVC antistatic will ensure a temperature of at least +16 ° C and relative air humidity of max . 65 % . This regime will be maintained throughout the execution of the garment .

Before applying the adhesive and substrate surface behind the tile will be thoroughly cleaned of dust using brushes. For gluing the tiles will start near the wall closest to the entrance door . The adhesive shall be applied in a thin layer as evenly . After bonding all carpet tiles and PVC flooring will press with a metal roller .

Floor area of antistatic PVC tiles and carpet will clean any adhesive residue or stains.

Technical Quality Conditions

During the execution is subject to the following conditions:

– Antistatic PVC tiles and carpet will be glued all over, are not allowed unbonded corners or bumps .

– Not allowed joints between the tiles above 0.5 mm wide.

– Floor area must be completely flat and smooth , polished and spotless .

– Connection to other floors and penetrations must be well indulge .

– Combustible materials will protect from any source that could cause fire or sparks.

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