Construction materials weight

Construction materials weight

The average density ( specific mass average) ρm of a body is the ratio of the mass m and volume V:
ρm = m / V
Density or specific mass to a point , ρ is the average density limit volume containing the point, when the volume becomes small compared to body size , but still large compared to the volume element of the body structure ( element structure of metals : crystallites , the gels : mycelium , the amorphous bodies : molecule , cell crystalline substance crystallized) . For homogeneous bodies ρ = ρm is indicated with the number density and body condition (temperature , pressure)
Average specific weight ( average ponderitatea ) γm of a body , the body is the ratio of the weight G and the volume V :
γm = G / V
Relative density ρr is the ratio of body mass and weight equal volume of a reference body found in a given state . In the absence of other indications and usual way , by taking as reference body , for solids and liquids , water ( distilled in vacuum ) at which mass and high specific pressure is 1.01325 bar and gas , dry atmospheric air at a temperature of 0 ° C and at a pressure of 1.01324 bar.

1700 kg / m

artificial basal
1900 kg / m

2250 kg / m

autoclaved aerated concrete ( AAC)
1100 kg / m

river rocks
1600 kg / m

wooden blocks
Kg/1000 900 pieces

vertical hollow brick 240x115x63
2200 kg/1000 pieces

vertical hollow brick 240x115x88
3100 kg/1000 pieces

vertical hollow brick 290x140x63
3500 kg/1000 pieces

vertical hollow brick 290x140x88
4500 kg/1000 pieces

brick 240x115x63
3000 kg/1000 pieces

mill board
100 kg/100 sqm

concrete slabs
2200 kg / m

Round and sawn timber , hardwood , dry
800 kg / m

sawn timber and round timber , dry
500 kg / m

2300 kg / m

wet debris
1700 kg / m

dry debris
1400 kg / m

fresh mortar
2100 kg / m

natural sand
1600 kg / m

wet sand
1800 kg / m

Press tiles for roof
2300 kg/1000 pieces

dry mold
1300 kg / m

dry land
1600 kg / m

earth embankment, dry
1400 kg / m

earth embankment, natural moisture
1600 kg / m

earth embankment , saturated
1800 kg / m

flooring 17 mm thick
140 kg/10 sqm

flooring 22 mm thick
180 kg/10 sqm

pavers , blocks of stone
1800 kg / m

1350 kg / m

Large stone blocks
1700 kg / m

stone of river rocks
1450 kg / m

1600 kg / m

by tile
1260 kg/100 sqm

marble tiles
2800 kg / m

stone tiles for pavements
2300 kg / m

expanded cork boards
100kg/10 mp

precast reinforced concrete
2600 kg / m

precast concrete vibrated
2400 kg / m

180 kg / m

profiled tiles drawn
2400 kg/1000 pieces

Plain tile
1300 kg/1000 pieces

lime paste
1400 kg / m

loose snow
100 kg / m

trodden snow
500 kg / m

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